Pratapgarh. Pratapgarh police station of the district has arrested the accused Khushi Rao, daughter of Pawan Rao, resident of Ariyapati police station, Pratapgarh and Priyanshu Rathore, son of Dinesh Chandra, resident of Aunsia Vihar police station, Pratapgarh, in the case of acid attack on MP resident NCB officer Harshvardhan Singh.
SP Vineet Kumar Bansal said that on Friday, Mahendrapal Singh Sisodia (52), resident of YD Nagar Mandsaur, lodged a report in Pratapgarh police station that at around 3 pm on Thursday afternoon, he received information that his son Harshvardhan was murdered by Khushi Rao of Pratapgarh and his associate Priyanshu Rathore. He attacked her with acid with the intention of killing her and caused an accident in her car. A case was registered and research was started.
Taking the incident seriously, SP Bansal gave instructions to form a team to arrest the accused under the supervision of ASP Balbir Singh Meena and CO Gajendra Singh Rao and under the leadership of SHO Deepak Banjara. The formed team collected intelligence and with technical assistance, detained wanted accused Khushi Rao and his associate Priyanshu Rathore and arrested them after interrogation.
During interrogation, the accused told that on November 28, Khushi Rao and his associate Priyanshu Rathore together planned to kill Harshvardhan Singh by attacking him with acid. Both of them left Pratapgarh on motorcycle and reached Chittorgarh road ahead of Bagwas. Where Priyanshu left Khushi and asked her to sit in the back of his car with Harshvardhan. Engage him in conversation and attack him with acid. I am coming back for Teesport.
As per the plan, both of them called Harshvardhan Singh on Chittorgarh Road and Khushi sat in Harshvardhan Singh's Grand Vitara car and asked to go ahead. Harshvardhan Singh was driving the car, Khushi Rao was sitting in the back of the car with a bag and giving updates while messaging her partner Priyanshu Rao. When Harshvardhan Singh got wind of this, he started turning the car back towards Pratapgarh. Meanwhile, Khushi Rao took out a bottle of acid from her bag, poured acid on Harshvardhan and attacked Harshvardhan's chest with the wood she had brought with her.
Due to Harshvardhan suddenly applying brakes of the car, Priyanshu Rao, who was following behind, collided with the car along with the motorcycle. Due to the collision, the rear glass of the car broke and Priyanshu suffered a head injury. Accused Priyanshu admitted to purchasing the acid used in the incident. On this the police arrested both the accused
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.