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HomeTop StoriesTeacher's Day: Continuous source of education, teacher is the architect of nation building.

Teacher's Day: Continuous source of education, teacher is the architect of nation building.

vaIn fact, every child's first teacher is his mother, but after entering the world of life, the role of teachers in schools, colleges and universities is to become a guide and a good citizen for the children and students throughout their lives. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan said that a teacher is not one who burdens the student's mind with facts, but a real teacher is one who prepares him for the challenges of tomorrow. We celebrate the birth anniversary of former President of India Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, who wrote complex books like The Philosophy of Upanishad, East West Some Reflections, Indian Philosophy, Hindi View of Life and successfully worked as a teacher for 40 years, on 5 September, as Teachers' Day throughout India with great respect and reverence. At present, after the privatization of education, education is seen taking the form of a business, so a lot of change has been seen in the behavior of teachers and this is the reason that the respect and support for teachers has decreased a lot in the past few years.
Not only the students, the materialistic age of today and the parents are responsible for this decline in respect for teachers, but teachers are also equally guilty in this. The purpose of celebrating Teachers' Day is not only to inspire students to respect teachers by telling them about their importance, but also to make teachers aware of their role and responsibility. Scientist Albert Einstein has said that the most important quality and work of teachers is to create a sense of joy and the happiness of knowledge in students.
Although it is well known that the work of a teacher is to teach, but the purpose of teaching can be fulfilled only when, in addition to this, one cooperates in the discipline system of the school-college, follows etiquette, has positive behavior with colleagues and also participates and cooperates in other activities of the curriculum. It is expected from the teachers that they should always maintain an ideal form and perform discipline, commitment to time and whatever work is entrusted to them with 100% loyalty and devotion to duty.
Today we forget that a teacher is also a human being and he cannot be completely up to the mark in every task. In such a situation, it is meaningless to expect a person to be a completely ideal person. The teachers who play such an important role in nation building and guide the budding children from primary education to becoming doctors, engineers, scientists and politicians, it is not at all right to forget them by giving them respect just for one day. By the way, Teachers' Day is celebrated internationally on 5 October and it was started in 1994 in UNESCO. In America, China, Israel and other European countries, Teachers' Day is celebrated on different days.
Teachers and the basic form of education and knowledge are the pillars of strength and development of any nation. While internalizing the importance of education and teachers for the progress of any nation, the work of education should be considered superior to all other works and should be given eternal respect, whereas in developing countries, including India, teachers are not being given the status they basically deserve. They should get proper salary and high level financial assistance so that they can dedicate their 100% to the students.
In European countries, reflecting the importance of teachers, their salary is more than that of doctors, engineers and other administrative service officers so that teachers can make proper financial arrangements for their family and future generations. But in the Indian context, primary teachers have been devalued by appointing them on contractual basis at minimum salary. Instead of calling them the honorable teacher, they have been given the position of Shiksha Karmi, which is not only against the dignity of the teacher but also hurts their respect.
We are content with celebrating Teachers' Day on 5th September, while we expect from an ideal teacher that he should be a learned person with an optimistic approach in the class, he should also have knowledge of psychology as per the social requirements along with a humorous nature, foresight and sociable qualities should be included in his qualities. If in this way you appoint a fully educated, mature, discipline-loving and honest person in somebody's education, then he will need to be given proper respect, proper financial amount and a proper place in the society.
Gurudev Rabindra Nath Thakur, Chanakya are considered to be the best teachers. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan worked as a teacher for 40 years and after being the Vice President of the country for 10 years, became the President. Any teacher should be given respect and a prestigious place in the society, only then can a teacher dedicate himself completely to any country, society and person.
The celebration of Teachers' Day can be meaningful and successful only when teachers are aware of their responsibilities and students and their parents should have the habit of respecting the importance of teachers. Teachers' Day is a day for teachers and students to take a pledge so that with complete honesty, teachers and students together should take their nation on the path of progress and build a great nation and we should guide the society by following the great teachers of all time from the Vedic period to the modern period.

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Image Credit: Khas-Khabar.

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