Bharatpur. The police team has arrested six accused, who were absconding for about one and a half years, in the case of assault on the employees of a crusher, robbery of licensed weapons and vandalism in Bhusawar police station area. In the case, the police had already arrested the main accused and recovered the looted weapons.
SP Mridul Kachhawa said that in connection with the incident, on June 21, 2023, a report was given by Mahesh, resident of Kotki village, that Tara Singh and 1012 other people along with him beat up the employees working at his crusher and vandalized it and took away the necessary documents and The licensee's weapons were looted and taken away. A case was registered on the report and investigation was started.
SP Kachhawa said that the police had already recovered the looted licensed weapons by arresting the accused Tara Singh son of Daulat Ram in the case. To arrest the remaining accused who were absconding for a long time, the team formed under the supervision of Additional Superintendent of Police Jai Narayan Meena and CO Dharmendra Sharma and under the leadership of SHO Sunil Kumar arrested the accused Lokesh Kumar Gurjar son of Kaluram, Natthan Singh Gurjar son of Laturia on Friday. , Bablu Gurjar son of Bhagwan Singh, Amritlal Gurjar, Pawan Kumar son of Kaila Ram and Sushil Kumar son of Jagannath resident of Suhari have been arrested.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.