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HomeTop StoriesProtecting democracy along with economic development is the measure of global identity

Protecting democracy along with economic development is the measure of global identity

ComeAfter 77 years of independence, the faith in freedom and democracy should be evaluated correctly. Financial development and efforts within the real boundaries of democracy provide us with a global standing. Without economic development, the democratic system cannot provide us with a strong foundation; the combination of strong financial management and constitutionalism can give concrete shape to the all-round development of the country. We have attained independence after tireless hard work and shedding blood and sweat. After independence, the structure of democracy has been given the highest importance in our constitutional history. We have to maintain the faith and trust in this great democracy forever and along with this, there is a need to cherish freedom as an identity for a long time. The inherent power of democracy has to be made stronger by ignoring casteism, apartheid and social evils. Since independence, the governments of India have been striving to bring about a new, strong India by the year 2022, where the differences between wealth, poverty, caste, religion and the general and Dalit classes are completely eradicated, but despite all efforts, this has not happened.
At present, India's socio-economic diversity and inequality can prove to be a hindrance to the country's economic and global image. Vandalism of national property against various policies in the country, murders due to mutual disagreement are not good signs for the all-round development of the country. India needs a strong internal policy and social harmony, only then we can move ahead on the path of development. India's successful foreign policy is the beginning of a good policy and a separate identity of India abroad is also an important milestone, but it is not possible to feed the country's 141 crore people and take them on the path of development only through foreign policy.
The people of the country can be strengthened only with strong plans and a strong economic system as well as self-reliance in production, only then can the country get rid of poverty and hunger. With the help of the strong shoulders of secularism, the country can be taken on the path of communal harmony as well as an environment of peace and harmony can be created. Peace, harmony and self-reliance in production in the country are the true parameters of development. In the five-year plans, huge economic plans have been made to eradicate poverty, agricultural development plans, science and technology, school and college education, to overcome all the problems of health, but neither the plans could be fully implemented nor the abundant financial resources could be properly utilized.
Although it was imagined that after independence, the governments of India would give priority to rural development and try to erase the boundaries between the city and the village. Our democratic structure could not be so inclusive and strong that we could commit ourselves to the overall development of the country. Due to lack of coordination between the Parliament, legislature and executive, development in India could not take the tangible form as imagined. Along with the concept of New India, we will have to make the poverty eradication effort very strong and powerful. Poverty of the poor cannot be eradicated by just giving them food grains for free. Along with giving food grains to the poor, they will also have to be given work and means of livelihood, only then the condition of the country can improve.
We have to eradicate many forms of poverty. For this, we will have to give maximum importance to schemes for backward castes, Dalits, Divyangs, women, poor children and implement free education, employment guarantee, skill development and transparent health schemes in every five-year plan. But now we will have to make new schemes every year and implement them effectively to make poverty eradication a priority. It is well known that only the successful implementation of the schemes made by the government can pave the way for a new India.
Casteism is standing in front of us like a big sore in Indian society. After independence, many great men had dedicated their lives to eradicate casteism, prominent among them are Jyotiba Phule, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. Even after their proper efforts, casteism has not been eradicated in India even today, rather it has come to the fore in a big form and due to political equations, it has emerged even more. Politicians take advantage of this to sway voters to their side during elections.
After the year 1947, at the time of independence, the Civil Rights Act was implemented in 1955, despite this the situation remains the same. Our country is a country with many religious, cultural and diversity. India is considered as the largest democratic and secular nation in the whole world. Many amendments have been made in the Parliament to stop communalism, despite this there have been many failures in creating religious harmony in the country. There have also been communal riots here, which the government has tried its best to stop but it has always failed.
Communalism has always been in danger due to disputes over sect, caste system, temple, mosque, gurudwara and church. Deep contemplation has been done on many aspects of increasing communal harmony but no great success has been achieved in this, incidents of terrorism linked with communalism have been linked in this context. Terrorism, Naxalite problem is not only of India, it has taken an international form. India has been battling this problem for about 73 years since independence from terrorism. Terrorism in Kashmir, Naxalite problem has raised its head in Jharkhand, Bihar, Bastar, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana.
Although our traditional enemies are Pakistan and China, Pakistan and Taliban together are trying to spread unrest in India by creating terrorism in Kashmir. India has also exposed Pakistan on international forums. Since the reign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, new schemes have been implemented to keep India clean, pure and healthy. Swachh Bharat is also popular in India like a campaign.
Mahatma Gandhi always dreamed of keeping India clean and in this program, the government has implemented the plan of building toilets in all cities and rural areas at a rapid level. But it has not been implemented 100%. Apart from this, India is working simultaneously on many schemes, such as amendments in elections, reforms in labor laws, amendments in Panchayati Raj, economic empowerment and an attempt has also been made to create harmony between the executive, judiciary and legislature.
Floods, droughts and earthquakes are felt every year in India and efforts have been made to bring effective control over these. Many plans have been made for this as well. Overall, with the concept of a new India, the plans should be successfully implemented by considering all aspects in India, only then India can give a real shape to the dream of a new India and create its own identity at the global level.

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Image Credit: Khas-Khabar.

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