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HomeTop StoriesMuslim society should boycott such socalled clerics

Muslim society should boycott such socalled clerics

The same Islam, which had spread globally during the lifetime of its founder Prophet Hazrat Muhammad with the basic principle of monotheism as well as the characteristics of equality, love, harmony and compassion, got divided into various ideologies and beliefs after the death of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad. To protect the true Islam of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, while his successor Hazrat Ali fought many wars against the antiIslamic forces, Hazrat Ali's son Hussain sacrificed his life in Karbala to save Islam, Islamic principles and its sanctity from the clutches of the wicked Syrian ruler Yazid, who considered Islam to be synonymous with the Sultanate. But unfortunately, despite being the second largest religion in the world, hundreds of sects have been formed in this Islam today. Even today, bloody conflicts are taking place among many sects. The result of these mutual differences among Muslims is that today Muslims are being persecuted in many countries of the world and the Muslim world, which believes in one Allah, one Quran and one Prophet but is divided into many sects, is sitting helplessly as a mere spectator.

While many Muslim invaders, sultans, emperors and rulers defined Islam in their own way for their selfishness of power and maligned Islam by tarnishing the concept of Jihad to expand or protect their rule, the Mullahs and Maulvis of various classes also left no stone unturned in maligning Islam by issuing their own concocted fatwas under the guise of Islamic Sharia. These two words Jihad and Fatwa were misused so much by these imperialist mentality and Mullahs that now the antiIslam forces have started making fun of it. In the same Islam, there is a provision regarding marriage that if necessary, a Muslim boygirl can marry hisher uncle's songirl or maternal uncle's songirl. But marriage with one's own sister or brother's daughter is never allowed. Marriage with mother's or father's sister is not allowed. If the mother of a boy has breastfed another girl, i.e. if the milk is shared, then the boygirl cannot marry each other. The tradition or practice of intermarriage between cousins ​​is not only found in Islam, but the tradition of intermarriage with cousins ​​is also found in Arabs in Jerusalem, Parsis, Jews, and even in many Hindu communities of South India, especially Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Marriage between cousins ​​is also legally recognized in some American states. According to Hindu scriptures, Shri Krishna got his sister Subhadra married to Arjun, the son of his aunt Kunti. SubhadraArjun's son was Abhimanyu. But the mention of marriage with a real sister is not heard in any religion or community of mankind. Yes, if this happens in any tribal tribe somewhere in the world, then it can be seen as an exception. Recently in India, Maulana Jarjis Ansari, who claims to be an Islamic preacher, gave such an objectionable and controversial statement about marriage that it created a ruckus and antiIslam forces got another opportunity to target Islam. Maulana Jarjis Ansari said in his sermon that it is such a foolish thing that people do not marry their own sisters and are marrying other people's sisters and daughters. Whereas the sister knows your temperament, she knows when her brother gets angry, she knows how to calm her brother's anger. She is beautiful, she is also charming, she is also goodnatured, but it is such a foolish thing that a brother leaves his beautiful, likeminded sister and marries someone else's sister and hands over his sister to someone else? When our sister can cook food for us, make our bed, massage our head, feed us medicine, take care of us in our difficulties and troubles, then why can't we enjoy marriage with her? Hand over our beautiful and lovely sister to someone else and bring someone else's junk to your house? Maulana further says – You can tell me a million times that society doesn't allow this, it doesn't allow this, it doesn't allow that, no, all this is just talk. If you let your intellect interfere and think about everything with your intellect, then tell me what is wrong in this intellectually? That I hand over my beautiful sister to someone whose life we ​​don't know? Whose anger and heat we don't know? Should we hand over our sister to someone whose helpless life we ​​are not aware of and bring the sister of someone else whom we are not aware of? You tell me what does wisdom say? As if in the eyes of this Maulvi, only brother and sister should be married to each other. Whereas this Maulvi is calling the girl from someone else's house trash. On investigating about this Maulvi, it was found that in September 2022, in a rape case of Etawah, the Fast Track CourtI had sentenced him to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment and also imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 on him. A woman from Jaitpura area of ​​​​Varanasi had accused this Maulvi of rape in the year 2016. Jarjis Ansari has also been in controversies for making comments on women and Scheduled Castes. He has also threatened that if an attempt is made to expel him from the country, he will wage jihad in every corner of the country. As if he can justify Jihad for his personal reasons? He has also been referring to Sanskrit, Vedas and many Hindu religious scriptures in his sermons. It can be said that he is one of those few clerics who have knowledge of subjects like Hinduism and Sanskrit. But that knowledge does not mean that you start using your dungfilled brain in such a way that there remains no difference between humans and animals. Only animals have physical relations between brothers and sisters, never in enlightened mankind. From this statement of his, it appears that either he does not have the correct knowledge of Islam and its principles. If what he said was true, then he should have presented an example of any marriage in the family of the Prophet, Caliph or Imams where a brother and sister got married. Or someone has made him their pawn and tried to make Islam even more controversial and he has become a pawn in the hands of some antiIslam force. Calling someone else's daughter trash also shows his distorted mentality. The Muslim community should completely boycott such socalled selfproclaimed clerics who give such immoral, highly controversial, objectionable and antireligion and antihumanity statements.

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/ Written By Top News Bulletin

Image Credit: KhasKhabar.

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