Churu. The main accused, Amit Kumar alias Mitla, son of Yogendra Jat (25), resident of Bootia police station, Sadar Churu, who escaped after looting Rs 1.47 crore in Jaipur and killing a youth in Churu and carrying a reward of Rs 15,000, has been arrested by the Sadar police station, AGTF and cyber cell of the district. The team has arrested him from Fatehpur. The accused was living by begging in PushkarMumbai in disguise in a Ferrari and used to sleep among the beggars to escape from the police.
SP Jai Yadav said that on November 2, Premchand Prajapat, resident of ward number 46, reported that he was returning home on a motorcycle at night after partying with his nephew Narendra Prajapat. On the way, after parking the Thar vehicle in the middle of the road, Amit alias Mitla, Shubham Dhaka and their associates stopped his bike, beat him with sticks and escaped after killing Narendra. A case was registered on the report and search for the accused was started.
Accused Amit Kumar alias Mitla escaped from Jaipur after looting Rs 1 crore 47 lakh. After that, he came to Churu due to past rivalry and murdered Narendra Prajapat and ran away. About a dozen cases are registered against accused Amit Kumar in various police stations of Churu district. For whose search, a reward of Rs 15,000 was announced from the Superintendent of Police Churu office.
To arrest the absconding accused, a special team was formed under the leadership of ASP Lokendra Dadarwal and CO Sunil Kumar Jhajhadia's immediate supervisor and SHO Balwant Singh. After making a route map based on CCTV footage and location, different teams raided different places in Jaipur, Sikar, Fatehpur, Jodhpur, Nagaur in search of the accused.
With the help of cyber cell and informer, after finding out that accused Amit Kumar was hiding in Bhiwandi (Maharashtra), a raid was conducted there. As soon as he got wind of this, the accused fled from there also. After continuous chase, the team arrested the accused Amit Kumar alias Mitla from Fatehpur. An accused in the case has already been arrested and sent to judicial custody.
SP Yadav told that during his absconding, accused Amit Kumar changed his appearance and started begging in Pushkar and Mumbai to earn his living. To avoid suspicion from the police, he started sleeping among beggars. Constable Ramakant of Cyber Cell Churu and Constable Naveen of Police Station Sadar played a special role in the arrest of the accused.
The team that arrested the accused included SHO Balwant Singh from Sadar Churu police station, constables Naveen and Sarjeet, constable Ramakant from cyber cell and head constable Sajjan Kumar from AGTF.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.