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HomeTop StoriesIndia's concerns over political change in Sri Lanka

India's concerns over political change in Sri Lanka

MisterThe recent political changes in Sri Lanka will have farreaching implications for India, affecting regional stability and security. Since India is a major regional power, it must reevaluate its diplomatic strategy to adapt to these emerging dynamics and protect its national interests. Earlier, rightwing governments in Colombo made efforts to woo China in return for substantial investment in infrastructure. This became a noose for them. Most of them got trapped in the debt trap. The outcome was disastrous for Sri Lanka and the process seriously jeopardized India's security interests. Now the question has become even more serious. This is because a Marxistsupporting party is in power in Sri Lanka. In such a situation, India has every reason to be apprehensive about its action. India should remain vigilant and reevaluate its strategies in the region to balance this growing Chinese influence, while also seeing that JVP What kind of governance and international alliance will it bring to Sri Lanka. The rise of National People's Power could jeopardize the ongoing IMF bailout programs and major international investments in Sri Lanka, leading to instability in the region.
Today, the resurgence of the JVP under Dissanayake is not just a political victory; This signals a return to the chauvinistic character that once threatened the unity of Sri Lanka. J.V.P. The most worrying aspect of China's rise is its potential alignment with China's geopolitical ambitions. Sri Lanka has long been a part of China's 'String of Pearls' strategy. A series of Chinabacked infrastructure projects and political partnerships aimed at encircling India and securing its maritime dominance in the Indian Ocean.
Projects like Colombo Port Project and Adani Solar Energy Initiative are in danger of being cancelled, which is directly impacting Indian economic interests. With the change in Sri Lanka's political stance, China may increase its influence in the region, which may pose a threat to India's strategic interests. The instability arising from internal political changes in Sri Lanka could spill over, affecting regional security, including maritime trade routes vital to India. If Sri Lanka faces political instability, it could jeopardize security in the Indian Ocean, which is vital to India's trade and strategic interests.
Dissanayake's policies could impact India's role in advocating for the Sri Lankan Tamil community and their rights, leading to a reescalation of tensions. Any rollback on Tamil rights and return to ethnic bigotry will not go down well with Indian policy makers. Such a scenario could escalate tensions between India and Sri Lanka, especially in the southern states, and further destabilize the region. India's position in the region has already weakened due to China's growing influence in neighboring countries like Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Sri Lanka has been an important outpost in India's efforts to counter Chinese power in the Indian Ocean. J.V.P. India's victory and its potential swing towards China would seriously undermine these efforts, leaving Bhutan one of the few remaining countries in South Asia where India still holds a strategic edge over China. India should take proactive steps in its diplomatic approach towards Sri Lanka. India should continue to support Sri Lanka's economy, ensuring that projects such as infrastructure development will benefit both countries and promote regional stability.
India can increase its cooperation on renewable energy projects like solar energy. Strengthening maritime security cooperation with Sri Lanka is essential to safeguard the Indian Ocean region from external threats. Joint naval exercises and sharing of maritime intelligence will ensure better coordination in the Indian Ocean. India should encourage Sri Lanka to maintain a balanced approach between India and China, while avoiding any single alignment. Diplomatic dialogues that highlight the benefits of India's investment may prevent a complete shift towards China.
Strengthening cultural and educational exchanges will promote goodwill between the two countries and enhance public diplomacy. India can increase student scholarships and cultural programs for Sri Lankan youth, thereby building stronger ties with the younger generation. India should closely monitor Chinese investments in Sri Lanka and balance them with strategic Indian investments. Increasing Indian investment in critical infrastructure such as ports and airports will ensure that India maintains its influence.
To ensure regional stability and security, India should adopt a multipronged diplomatic approach that gives priority to economic cooperation, regional security and cultural engagement. By actively addressing these aspects, India can strengthen its influence in Sri Lanka while protecting its national interests in the face of growing external pressures.

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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.

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