quota. Vigyan Nagar police station of Kota city, after revealing the incidents of chain snatching happening in the city recently, detained the leader of chain snatching gang, Ashish Gupta alias Lalu alias Patasha from Manoharthana area of Jhalawar and arrested him. About half a dozen incidents have come to light in the preliminary inquiry.
SP Dr. Amrita Duhan told that on November 04, complainant Dharambandhu Arya had reported that today at around 8.45 am, my mother Ayodhya Devi (75) had gone to Vigyan Nagar intersection to collect wheat for ration. While returning, two unknown persons came on a motorcycle. His mother fell down from the motorcycle when the person sitting behind pushed her. At this time the miscreants snatched the chain worn around the neck and ran away.
To search for the accused, a team was formed under the direction of ASP Dilip Saini and CO Lokendra Paliwal and under the leadership of SHO Pushpendra. The team closely analyzed the footage of about one thousand CCTV cameras in Jhalawar and around the incident site of other chain snatching incidents in Kota city.
On the basis of CCTV footage and technical evidence, Ashish Gupta alias Lalu alias Patasha was identified as the main accused who carried out the chain snatching incidents. He was arrested from Manoharthana district Jhalawar and was arrested undercover. Who, during the investigation, has accepted his involvement in other chain snatching incidents that took place in Kota city.
The arrested accused Ashish Gupta alias Lalu alias Patasha was living in Manoharthana by hiding his identity. To commit the incident of chain snatching, the accused and his associate Kailash used to reach Kota city by bike from Manoharthana via rural roads and after committing the incident of chain snatching, used to reach back to their hideout in Manoharthana. Maruti is being interrogated in connection with other incidents and his associates. The possibility of the accused and his associates committing chain snatching incidents in other districts and nearby states cannot be ruled out. Constable Pushpendra Singh played a special role in the arrest of the accused.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.