Ghaziabad. In Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, the police has arrested an accused who claims to be a Tantrik. He even got his associates murdered by dreaming of becoming rich and also talked about getting a human skull and doing Tantrik Vidya on it. Along with the accused, his friends have also been arrested. Many human skeletons and animal skulls have been recovered from them. The police had also placed a reward of Rs 25,000 on him.
Ghaziabad's Tila Mod police station has arrested a criminal named Parmatma. A human skull and animal skulls were also recovered from his possession. He used to kill himself as well as people for tantric rituals.
In fact, on June 22, a decapitated body was found in Tila Mod police station area. After this, the police were continuously trying to identify the decapitated body. In this series, missing people from nearby states were also interrogated, but no clue was found. On Saturday, December 7, the police received information about the whereabouts of Vikas alias Parmatma, carrying a reward of Rs 25 thousand. When the police arrested him, he told that he along with three of his people had committed a murder. He, along with his three friends Naresh, Pawan and Pankaj Kumar, had murdered Raju, originally a resident of Bihar, and used the skull for tantric rituals.
God told that he performs tantric activities. He told his friends that if they brought a skull, they would get Rs 5060 crore. Raju was already a friend of Pawan and Pankaj. One day they called Raju with them, killed him and gave the skull to God for tantric rituals. He told that the skull is not right and there is a crack in it due to which the tantric ritual is not being completed. So he returned the skull to them.
The police were continuously searching for all these people. The police arrested everyone and also recovered the skull of deceased Raju from them. Skulls of some animals have also been recovered. On the behest of the accused, Raju's skull was recovered from a drain in Delhi.
Investigation revealed that Parmatma used to learn tantric rituals through YouTube and tried them on people.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.