Karauli. The special team of Karauli district, while taking continuous action in the ongoing campaign against the wanted criminals, opened fire in Wazirpur police station of Sawai Madhopur district and arrested the accused Lakhan Gurjar, son of Ramjilal, resident of Mahavirji Hall, Rondkala police station, Sadar Karauli, who was wanted for 4 years in a deadly attack, in Gambhir river. Got out of the deep trenches.
SP Brijesh Jyoti Upadhyay said that special instructions have been given to DST incharge Dhara Singh for monitoring the wanted accused and criminal gangs and taking effective action. Reward accused Lakhan Gurjar, a resident of Karauli, was wanted for 4 years in a case of attempt to murder by firing. For whose arrest a reward of ₹ 10,000 has been announced by SP Sawai Madhopur.
During the search on Tuesday, team member Amir Singh got information that the accused was at his residential house in Roadkala village. On receiving the information, the incharge raided the house of Lakhan, the rewarded criminal of the Maya team, who, seeing the police team coming, ran away into the ditch of Gambhir river near the house. The team continued to search and chase the accused. Constables Amir Singh and Akash Solanki caught him after chasing him for about 1 kilometer in the deep ravines of the river. The accused were arrested and handed over to Bajirpur police station for further action.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.