Karauli. District Special Team has arrested Jagdish alias Dalu Gurjar, son of Uday Singh, resident of Jhirna Police Station Sadar Hindaun, a criminal carrying a reward of Rs 35 thousand, wanted in half a dozen cases of Karauli and Bharatpur districts, from Hyderabad. Two members of the team, Constables Akash and Amir Singh, played a special role in his arrest, who disguised themselves as laborers in Hyderabad for 2 days and found out about the accused.
SP Brijesh Jyoti Upadhyay said that about half a dozen cases of attempt to murder, robbery, robbery and kidnapping have been registered against the accused in Bharatpur and Karauli districts, in all these cases the accused is absconding. For his arrest, a reward of Rs 10,000 has been announced by SP Bharatpur and Rs 25,000 from his office. Both the constables were following the accused in Bengaluru and Hyderabad for the last 5 days.
SP Upadhyay said that he had given instructions to DST incharge Dhara Singh to collect intelligence regarding the rewarded criminal Jagdish alias Dalu Gurjar, who was absconding for about 3 years. During the search for the accused, team members Akash and Amir Singh got information from the informer that the accused was absconding in Bengaluru by changing his name and identity. The District Cyber Cell also confirmed his presence in Bengaluru with technical help.
On this information both the constables were immediately sent to Bengaluru. But the accused was very clever, he fled from there as soon as the police got wind of it. Both the policemen followed and reached Hyderabad with technical support. Where the accused Preston was working as a laborer in marble at Amvitas Amri Society, Kolur. For two days, both the constables were also working as laborers and were trying to find out the place of residence of the accused.
After confirming the residence of the accused, he informed team incharge Dhara Singh. After this, the team reached the spot and tried to catch the accused with the help of local police, when he climbed on the roof and started running from one roof to another. Both constables Akash Solanki and Amir Singh showed bravery and caught him without any loss.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.