Jaipur. Taking major action, the Anti Gangster Task Force took major action against the leader of the infamous interstate gang, Ghanshyam alias Shyam Bawri, who carried out the incidents of robbery, robbery and Nakbajani at gunpoint, son of Devkaran alias Danaram alias Danji (67), resident of Dhanupra police station Kadar Chowk, district Badaun North. The state has been caught. The arrested criminal has a reward of ₹ 25,000 in an 8yearold robbery case. The team has recovered him from his village and handed him over to Gothan Nagaur police station.
Additional Director General of Police Anti Gangster Task Force Dinesh MN said that the arrested gangster Ghanshyam alias Shyam Bawri and his associates had carried out the incident of armed robbery in Jatan Indokiawas of Gothan police station area in the year 2016. A man and a woman were seriously injured in their firing. The kingpin arrested in the case was absconding since the time of the incident, for whose arrest a reward of ₹ 25,000 has been announced by the Nagaur police.
ADG MN said that the Anti Gangster Task Force of the Police Headquarters has been running a campaign to arrest criminal gangs, gangsters and wanted criminals. Under the supervision of Deputy Inspector General of Police Yogesh Yadav and Additional Superintendent of Police Siddhant Sharma and under the leadership of Sub Inspector Narendra Singh, ASI Dushyant Singh, Head Constable Shahid Ali and Constables Ravindra Singh and Mahendra Singh were sent to collect intelligence about them.
AGTF had been collecting intelligence regarding the leaders and members of organized gangs while hiding their identities for a long time. The leader of the Bawariya gang, Ghanshyam alias Shyam Bawari, was on the run from different places by dodging the police for the last eight years. During intelligence collection, the team which was gathering information about criminal gangs got concrete information about their presence in the village itself. The team, along with the local police, raided the village and controlled it with great difficulty. Which was brought to Rajasthan by the team and handed over to Gothan Police for further action.
A dozen criminal cases registered for robbery, robbery and embezzlement:
Ghanshyam alias Shyam Bawri is the leader of the interstate Bawariya gang, against him in Nagaur district, in police station Gothan, Merta City of Nagaur district and various places of Sitamarhi district of Bihar, apart from robbery, dacoity, attempted murder and section 11 of the Arms Act. Cases are registered. Gothan police is interrogating the accused, in which the incidents committed during the absconding may be revealed.
Reiki is done by circling clothes during the day:
Their gang used to go around during the day on the pretext of selling clothes and do recce of houses and shops. They carry out attacks with illegal weapons at night. When protested, they start firing, threaten and assault in a serious manner. In this entire operation, AGTF Sub Inspector Narendra Singh, ASI Dushyant Singh, Head Constable Shahid Ali, Constables Ravindra Singh and Mahendra Singh played a special role and Constable Sanjay had technical support.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.