Pratapgarh. Arnod police station of Pratapgarh district, during patrolling on Tuesday, seized 377 kg 250 grams of illegal opium doda powder packed in 19 bags from a Bolero pickup parked abandoned on the culvert of Chachakhedi dam. The estimated value of the seized drugs is around Rs 56.58 lakh.
SP Vineet Kumar Bansal said that as part of the campaign being conducted to arrest illegal drugs, under the guidance of Additional Superintendent of Police Balveer Singh, the team of Police Station Officer Arnod Hazari Lal was patrolling towards the culvert of Chachakhedi Dam on Tuesday.
During patrolling, the police saw a Bolero pickup parked on the road. Looking suspicious, a search was conducted nearby but no one was seen. On this, when the said Bolero pickup of MP number was searched, a total of 377 kg 250 grams of illegal opium powder was found in 19 black plastic bags. The pickup along with opium powder was confiscated.
A case was registered under NDPS Act at Arnod police station and handed over to SHO Kotdi Arun Khant for further investigation.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.