New Delhi . Meta's popular chatting app WhatsApp has brought a new feature for users. The company has introduced a new feature called Voice Message Transcript. With which users will be able to convert voice messages into text. The company says that this new feature will not interrupt the conversation of the users and they can do any other work while chatting.
This new feature of WhatsApp will be launched for users around the world in a few weeks. This feature will be available in some languages first and later in languages around the world.
WhatsApp has said in a blog post that sending voice messages to friends and family becomes even more personal.
The company said, “It is very special to be able to hear the voice of your loved ones while being away from them. However, sometimes you are in such a situation and in a crowded place where you cannot leave the work you are doing and listen to a long voice message in the middle of the chat. That's exactly the kind of situation we're excited to introduce to our users. Transcripts are generated on your device, so no one, even WhatsApp itself, can access your personal messages. Can neither read nor listen to the message.
To use this feature, first you have to open the WhatsApp app. After this you have to come to Settings and Chats. On the chat itself, you will get the option of voice message transcript, which can be turned onoff and the language can be selected.
WhatsApp says that to use it you have to go to Settings, Chats and Voice Message Transcript. You can then transcribe the voice note by longpressing any voice message and tapping Transcribe from the menu that pops up.
Earlier, WhatsApp had introduced message draft feature for users. Which was related to a common problem of users 'forgetting to send an incomplete message'. Regarding the feature, the company said that when you type a message but forget to press the send button, then such chats can now be seen with a draft label. This draft message will appear at the top of the chat list, so you can quickly complete and send your message.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.