Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeTechnologyPricewaterhouseCoopers' new CAIO: Workers must know their role with AI

PricewaterhouseCoopers' new CAIO: Workers must know their role with AI

“Last year, we made a three-year, $1 billion commitment to expand and scale our AI capabilities and help our clients reimagine their businesses through the power of genAI. Building on this commitment, in May we signed an agreement with OpenAI, making PwC the first reseller of OpenAI for ChatGPT Enterprise and the largest user of the product, further enhancing our leadership position in AI.”

“We also have strategic partnerships with all major AI technology providers, including foundational model providers AWS, Anthropic, Google, Meta, and Microsoft. We leverage alliance relationships with leading enterprise application vendors that are integrating genAI capabilities into their products, including Adobe, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, and Workday.”

How has AI increased productivity and/or efficiency at PwC? “Our company has already seen significant benefits from using AI tools. Those who regularly use our genAI tools have seen efficiency improvements of between 20% and 30%. This has allowed our employees to focus on more strategic work and deliver greater value to our customers.


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