New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the strengths and prospects of India's automotive industry during the inauguration of the India Mobility Global Expo2025 in Delhi. He said, “The Bharat Mobility Global Expo has expanded this year. Last year, more than 800 exhibitors had participated and more than 1.5 lakh people had visited it. This time it has been made bigger and grander.”
This year the expo is being organized at Bharat Mandapam, Yashobhoomi Dwarka, and India Expo Center in Greater Noida. Several new vehicles will be launched at the event, showcasing the technological advancements and innovation of the Indian automotive industry.
Special focus on EV:
The main attraction of the 2025 Auto Expo is electric vehicles (EVs). Maruti Suzuki announced its muchawaited eVitara and Hyundai announced the introduction of electric Creta variant. Tata Motors, which is already a leader in the EV sector, has hinted at launching several of its new models.
Withdrawal and global involvement of Chinese companies:
This year, Chinese automakers like BYD and MG Motor India are making a comeback in the Indian market with their latest EV technologies and advanced driverassist features. At the same time, Indian twowheeler companies like Hero MotoCorp and Bajaj Auto are in the news with their electric scooters and motorcycles.
Glimpse of future technology:
Another major highlight of this expo is the focus on connected car technology and autonomous driving. Shared mobility solutions and futuristic transportation prototypes have caught the attention of auto lovers and industry experts.
Glimpses of History and Continuous Development:
Started in 1986, the event reached new heights by gaining international participation in 1993. Today, it has become the global platform for India's automobile potential, held every two years between the “Motor Show” and the “Components Show”.
Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 is not only a platform to showcase new technologies, but it also lays out the blueprint for India's automotive future. The focus on electric vehicles, connected technology and shared mobility shows that India is all set to carve out its own identity in the global automotive market.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.