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HomeTechnologyMicrowave ovens contain certain types of microorganisms: Research

Microwave ovens contain certain types of microorganisms: Research

New Delhi. A research has revealed that certain types of microorganisms are also present in microwave ovens.

This discovery is important for sanitation and potential biotechnology applications.

“Our results show that home microwaves have an 'anthropized' microbiome, similar to that found on kitchen surfaces, whereas laboratory microwaves harbor bacteria that are more radiation resistant,” said Daniel Torrent, a researcher at Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence SL in Paterna, Spain.

Torrent and his colleagues collected microbial samples from 30 microwave ovens: 10 from single home kitchens, 10 from shared household spaces such as corporate centers and cafeterias, and 10 from molecular biology and microbiology laboratories.

The aim of the research was to explore how food contact and user habits affect microbial communities.

Using nextgeneration sequencing and cultivation of 101 strains on five different media, the researchers discovered 747 different lineages across 25 bacterial phyla.

The most common phyla were Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria.

Diversity was the lowest in home microwave ovens, and the highest in laboratory microwave ovens.

Bacteria such as Acinetobacter, Bhargavia, Brevibacterium and Rhizobium were found only in home microwaves, while Arthrobacter, Enterobacter, Janibacteria and Planococcus were found only in sharedhousehold ones.

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Nonomuraea bacteria were isolated only from the laboratory microwave, along with Delftia, Micrococcus, Deinococcus, and one species of cyanobacteria.

Microbial diversity in microwave ovens was similar to that found on common kitchen surfaces and solar panels, suggesting that the constant thermal shock of electromagnetic radiation selects for highly resistant microorganisms in these environments.

“Some species of organisms found in household microwaves, such as Klebsiella, enterococcus, and Aeromonas, may pose a risk to human health. However, the microbial population in a microwave does not appear to pose a greater risk than that on other common kitchen surfaces,” Torrent said.

“For both the general public and laboratory personnel, we recommend using a diluted bleach solution or commercially available disinfectant spray on a regular basis. This can keep the microwave disinfected. After each use, a prompt wipe should be given to remove any residue and to prevent bacterial growth. It is best to use a soft cloth to clean the surface,” Torrent said.


/ Written By Top News Bulletin

Image Credit: KhasKhabar.

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