Tuesday, September 24, 2024
HomeTechnologyIf you want to edit photos, use the editing tools of Google Photos, now available for everyone

If you want to edit photos, use the editing tools of Google Photos, now available for everyone

New Delhi. After clicking a photo on a mobile phone, people often try to change the background of the photo. For this, they download many photo editing apps, but no app provides a better photo editing option. In such a situation, the mission of changing the background of the photo is not accomplished. But now mobile users will be able to change the background of their photos as per their wish.

If you feel that the background of the photo is not right, then now you will be able to edit it without downloading any app. Google is providing the facility of photo editing. Google has recently announced that it will provide AI Google Photos editing tool for its Google Photos users.

This is good news for those users who want to get their photos clicked by going to the mountain or river bank. They want mountains and water to be visible in the background of the photo. In such a situation, with the help of Google's AI editing tool, they will be able to do this, and for this they will not even need to go to the mountain or river bank.

This feature previously worked on Pixel and Galaxy devices. But, due to the increasing demand of users, it has been decided to make it available to all Google Photos users. Google is taking care that it works well on all devices.

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Magic Editor Tool has many features using which users will be able to remove unnecessary things from the background of their photo. For example, if you have taken a selfie with someone and there is someone else in that selfie, then you can remove that person using this tool. Also, you can add someone else in the background in his place. During this, it will also get adjusted quickly.

/ Written By Top News Bulletin

Image Credit: KhasKhabar.

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