New Delhi . Tech company Apple said on Thursday that the company never used Siri data to create marketing profiles. The company stressed that it never sold users' Siri data to anyone, even for advertising purposes.
Last week, the tech giant paid $95 million to settle a classaction law suit. The company was accused of recording private conversations of users with Siri and making these recordings available to third parties such as advertisers.
“We are constantly developing technologies to make Siri even more private, and will continue to do so,” the company said in a statement.
According to the iPhone maker, the company is committed to protecting user data.
“Our products and features are built from the ground up with innovative privacy technologies and techniques,” the company said.
The company emphasized that privacy is a fundamental part of the design process, which is based on principles such as data minimization, ondevice intelligence, transparency and control, and strong security protection. The user is provided with a great experience with the product along with peace of mind.
To protect user privacy, Siri has been designed in such a way that it involves the user in as many processes as possible on his device, so that the user can get a personalized experience. While improving the user experience, Siri does not transfer or analyze user data to Apple servers.
Apple said, “Whenever a user speaks or types to Siri, the request is processed on the device. For example, the user has Siri read an unread message, Siri makes suggestions to the user through widgets, etc. Processes like giving and Siri searches are completed on the user's device.”
The company said, “Apple makes every effort to ensure that as many processes as possible occur on the device. However, some features require realtime input from Apple servers. In such situations, Siri uses less data to provide accurate results.” Additionally, Siri searches and requests are not tied to the user's Apple account.
Apple further said, “The company does not retain the recording of the user's conversation with Siri, unless the user wants to do so to improve Siri itself. However, even if the user wishes, it does not retain the recording of the user's conversation to resolve the user's problem. Recording is used, which the user can opt out of at any time.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.