New Delhi. In India, in 2024, the sales of Apple iPhone have witnessed a big jump of 23 percent on an annual basis. Also, the sales of iPad have also gained 44 percent. This information was given in a report released on Thursday.
In the information shared by Cybermedia Research (CMR) to , it was reported that the Apple iPhone's share in the Indian smartphone market in 2024 has increased to 7 percent. This is due to increasing production at the local level and increasing trend of premiums in small cities.
VP (Industry Research Group) of Cybermedia Research (CMR), Prabhu Ram said, “Apple's iPhone and iPad in the calendar year 2024 have seen a strong increase in double digits. This is because of this to increase premiums in the smartphone. Apple is benefiting from increasing manufacturing and expansion of retail segment at the domestic level. “
India middle class is rapidly attracted to the premium device. The reason for this is not only a change in lifestyle, but also aspiration to adopt advanced technology soon.
He added, “The appeal of iPhone and iPad remains a major driver of market growth for Apple. 2025 and even then there is enough scope for increase. There are still early days for Apple in India.”
Apple's entry into India's top five mobile brands in the OctoberDecember quarter of 2024. According to the volume, the company's market share reached around 10 percent.
Due to the production linked incentive (PLI) scheme, the company has also set a record in export along with domestic sales.
More than 1.1 crore shipments have been done by Apple India in 2024.
According to Ram, the growth of Apple in India is expected to continue with a strong pace in the coming year, inspired by aggressive retail expansion, targeted marketing strategies and deep penetration in the ambitious Indian market.
He further stated that there is a strong demand for old models with Apple's latest in India.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.