Maruti Suzuki India, the largest car manufacturer in the country, said on Thursday that the Jimny 5 door model in India has now knocked in Japan. This SUV has made its debut there. The SUV, especially built at the plant in Gurugram of Maruti Suzuki, was unveiled in Japan on Thursday. According to PTI news, Jimny FiveDore model, after Fronx, has become the second SUV to be supplied in the domestic market of Suzuki Motor Corporation in FY 202425.
Second most exported Maruti Suzuki car
According to the news, on the occasion, the company's MD and CEO Hisashi Tekauchi said that the introduction of Made in India Jimny 5door in Japan is a global level of excellence in our manufacturing capacity. He said that this is the second model of the company that will be exported to Japan after Fronx in August 2024 this financial year. Jimny is the second most exported Maruti Suzuki car in FY 202425.
Made in India Jimney also burnt in these countries
Tekauchi said that after the Made in India Jimney in markets like Mexico, Australia and South Africa, we are confident that it will make customers happy in Japan. Jimny's export confirms our commitment to 'MakeinIndia' for the world. Maruti Suzuki exports four -wheeler drive models to around 100 countries. Suzuki Motor Corporation said that it would launch a model in Japan on April 3 under the name Jimny Nomeid. Jimny has more than half a century old heritage and has sold more than 35 lakh units in 199 countries and regions worldwide.
3 -door gymny is already present in Japan
The company said that Jimny's 3 door edition is already available for sale in the Japanese market. Given India as the Jimny 5door production center, Suzuki aims to take advantage of Maruti Suzuki's global production level to meet the growing demand of the prestigious offroads brand. Maruti Suzuki is India's leading passenger vehicle exporter, which has sent more than 3 million vehicles to about 100 countries in the year 2024. In the year 2024, the company's stake in the country's total passenger vehicles was 43.5 percent.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.