The directors for Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse, the third film in the beloved Spider-Verse trilogy of animated films, have finally been announced as Bob Persichetti and Justin K. Thompson, who have...
Loki season 3 isn't completely off the table yet, at least according to Marvel producer Brad Winderbaum.While it's not much, it certainly has us intrigued. Loki season 2 ended with a...
Disney's D23 expo is kicking off in Brazil right now, and attendees received new information about the upcoming Incredibles 3 from Pixar's vice president of film production, Jonas H. Rivera.For those...
League of Legends and Valorant studio Riot Games has been hit by another round of layoffs, affecting an unknown number of developers.That's an interesting way of saying that Riot is letting...
Intel is already working on support for its Xe3 GPU architecture in Linux, although Xe3, codenamed Celestial, won't be used in any chips until late 2025 (at the earliest).In fact, Battlemage,...
Donald Glover wants his next Lando spin-off movie to be light-hearted and fun."I just want it to be fun. As a Star Wars fan, I think it's important that there's more...