Avengers #21 pits Earth's Mightiest Heroes against the X-Men in a surprising conflict that begins to tap into the potential of Avengers writer Jed MacKay, who also writes the X-Men. Along...
It's still routine practice to christen a ship by breaking a bottle of the finest champagne on the bow, but for Disney's latest cruise ship, the Treasure, a regular old bottle...
It's been more than three years since PlayStation's Japan Studio was closed and reorganized, but a former PlayStation boss believes it "wasn't necessarily a surprise," despite being "sad" about it.Japan Studio...
The horror sequel Smile 2 makes it very clear from minute one that it will take no prisoners. The long-awaited follow-up to writer-director Parker Finn's 2022 smash hit, Smile, kicks off...
Puget Systems has published a detailed content creation review of the Intel Xeon W-3500 series. The company's latest workstation processors are an update to the W-3400 series, offering a higher number...