Marvel TV head Brad Winderbaum says Marvel's upcoming show, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, stopped aiming to be MCU canon due to the fact that it would impose limitations on the Disney...
Amazing Spider-Man is currently in the middle of The 8 Deaths of Spider-Man, but shortly after Peter Parker dies one last time and is reborn as Spider-Naut in March's Amazing Spider-Man...
“A moment between Deadpool and Spider-Man would be a dream. “I think we could have a lot of fun with it,” he told Polygon in an interview around the time of...
The Spider-Man: Spider-Verse movies are some of the best superhero movies around, and Marvel boss Kevin Feige has taken notice, hoping to bring Miles Morales into the MCU soon after...
spider man 4 will hit theaters in mid-2026 and will apparently act as connective tissue between the next two Avengers movies in the process.Announced by several outlets, including Deadline and Variety,...
The previous film in the franchise, Spider-Man: No Way Homeended with Peter Parker tragically alone. His secret identity as Spider-Man (and all knowledge of Peter Parker's existence) was erased from public...
If you had your hopes up for the Spider-Man 2 DLC, you might want to let out the breath you've been holding. Buried in the announcement of the game's new PC...
Marvel has labeled the original Spider-Man: Reign as one of the most controversial Spider-Man stories of all time, and its current sequel, Spider-Man: Reign 2, lives up to that reputation by...
Chris Miller, one half of the producing duo Lord and Miller, has responded to rumors surrounding Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse that the film is struggling to get made."Nothing has been ruled...