With the third season of the animated series. The legend of Vox Machina Concluded, the Critical Role RPG team now looks forward and back at the same time: returning to the...
The third season of the animated series. The legend of Vox Machina is now streaming in its entirety and the Critical Role RPG team is ready to talk about it, without...
The legend of Vox Machina It's an opportunity for the Critical Role cast to renew their first campaign. Sometimes that means that characters who weren't present at certain events can now...
David Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan will play Clark Kent and Lois Lane. The rest of the cast includes Nicholas Hoult (Lex Luthor), Skyler Gisondo (Jimmy Olsen), Nathan Fillion (a Green Lantern),...
A new theory from Agatha All Along presents another idea about the identity of Aubrey Plaza's character: comic book villain Lady Death."I see many parallels between this story and that of...