In Groundhog DayAn inexplicable force—perhaps celestial, certainly moral—traps misanthropic weatherman Bill Murray into a single, repeated day until he sheds his attitude and becomes a better person. Palm SpringsWedding guests Andy...
“Fuck the gods” is a sentiment that seems to be everywhere right now, from the most literal interpretation of the Netflix series Chaos to the variety of “eat the rich” narratives...
The journey to create the 2024 version of Dungeons & Dragons Player's Manual It’s been a long and almost comically bumpy process. Where to start? Should we begin with the OGL...
Bulwark Evolution: Falconeer Chronicles is reaching new heights after a complete overhaul of the entire game.You might remember The Falconeer as that launch-level dogfight title for Xbox Series X|S that had...
Pseudoregalia stole my heart with its retro gothic setting and expressive, dynamic platforming, and it seems thousands more agree with how well this Metroidvania performs.After teaching himself how to develop games...