Daredevil: Born Again showrunner Dario Scardapane says the upcoming Marvel series will have big differences from the Netflix original show."There's more fun in the moments with these characters and a lot...
A new year has arrived, and while awards season is still at the forefront of everyone's brains, one thing you might miss is how many big movies leave streaming services at...
Every week in Polygon, we gathered the new most outstanding launches in streaming and vod, highlighting the best and most important new films to see them at home.This week, NosferatuThe Gothic...
The first trailer for Zero Day, starring Robert De Niro, has arrived and it looks like an epic political thriller.In the short clip, which can be seen below, De Niro plays...
Netflix is getting more expensive, again. The streaming service increased prices on all of its plans starting January 21, and the increase will take effect for current subscribers starting with their...
This week on television everything is thriller, without filler; Well, that plus a comedy-drama about girls trying to find full love and sex during their second year of college. But this...
Game designer Sam Barlow deserves a lot of credit for driving the “redemption” of FMVs. The full-motion video game format was pioneered in the early 1990s as a cutting-edge visual technique...
2025 is underway and there are plenty of exciting new sci-fi releases on the horizon to look forward to. Star Trek: Section 31, the throatand Mickey 17 are scheduled to hit...
Sakamoto Days are already going full steam ahead. One of the biggest new anime releases of the season, the story of a retired hitman turned merchant, has just dropped on Netflix....