The third season of the animated series. The legend of Vox Machina is now streaming in its entirety and the Critical Role RPG team is ready to talk about it, without...
By adapting hours and hours of actual gameplay, the cast and crew of The legend of Vox Machina I had to make some changes. Some are hugely emotional arcs built out...
If you can't get Scanlan Shorthalt's tacky songs out of your head while watching them The legend of Vox MachinaWe have great news for you: the complete soundtrack of the third...
Vox Machina is more prosperous than ever at the end of Season 3. They've been through some tough times; They've been to hell and back, literally; and one of them has...
The legend of Vox Machina It's an opportunity for the Critical Role cast to renew their first campaign. Sometimes that means that characters who weren't present at certain events can now...
But among the chase scenes, character introductions (and reintroductions), and heist planning, there's one small cameo that the cast of Critical Role wants to point out. It happens at the beginning...