Daredevil: Born Again showrunner Dario Scardapane says the upcoming Marvel series will have big differences from the Netflix original show."There's more fun in the moments with these characters and a lot...
The highly divisive 2023 horror film Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey angered Disney fans as soon as its first gory trailer dropped, but producer Scott Jeffrey says they actually worked...
The highly anticipated Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is taking longer than expected to hit theaters, and actor Jharrel Jerome recently confirmed that "a lot of things" are still being "figured out."Jerome...
Nintendo Switch 2 leaks, real or not, have been steadily increasing in recent days. Speculation about the Big N's next big hybrid console is at an all-time high, as mockups have...
If you had told me that, as a board game designer, you could capture the excitement of Formula 1 racing in a tabletop experience, I would have called you into the...