Daredevil: Born Again showrunner Dario Scardapane says the upcoming Marvel series will have big differences from the Netflix original show."There's more fun in the moments with these characters and a lot...
Daredevil's return to our screens, after the cancellation of the beloved Netflix program, has been slow. Not only has spent much time since Marvel announced that he would join the MCU,...
Three years ago, Severance season 1 concluded on quite the cliffhanger, when our favorite Macrodata refiners discovered a way to awaken their innies in the outside world. With that, we've assumed...
Discussions about Game Pass usually revolve around big titles like Black Ops 6, Starfield, and more, but one solo developer has detailed why the service is so good for indie games...
Writer-director Drew Hancock has explained why The Boys' Jack Quaid and Yellowjackets' Sophie Thatcher were the perfect co-stars for his twisted horror romance Companion.From the studio that brought you The Notebook...
The first trailer for Robert Eggers' Nosferatu reimagining was released in June 2024, but only when audiences are sitting down to watch the new horror film will they get their first...
The director of Sonic 3, Jeff Fowler, has explained why these two new characters were chosen as the big post-credits surprises of the third part.Spoilers for him Sonic 3 post-credits scene...
Mufasa director Barry Jenkins has explained why The Lion King prequel begins with a touching tribute to James Earl Jones.While messages of condolence and celebration are normally left for the end...
We Live in Time sees Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh playing a couple in three different time periods. The time-jump narrative covers key moments in their relationship, from first meetings to...