There are many reasons to like Arcanethe Netflix animated series set in the world of League of Legends: The stunning animation, the creative use of original music, the compelling relationships. But...
The Penguin is nearing its end and things are getting really dramatic for Oz Cobb and Sofia Gigante (formerly Falcone). But there's still time for a brief interlude to find out...
After The Penguin detoured into Sofia Falcone's past, episode 5 returns The Batman spinoff to the current drama. Oz Cobb and Colin Farrell's Sofia are on two sides of a war...
The Rings of Power Season 2, Episode 6 marks a turning point for several characters in Middle-earth. Celebrimbor is obviously still at the mercy of Annatar, but the latest installment of...
The Rings of Power season two is now well over halfway through its run and it seems danger lurks around every corner. The latest episode doesn't pull any punches either, being...