Since 'The Final Problem' series finale aired in January 2017, audiences have been calling for the hit TV show Sherlock to return to the screen. Even though the word "finale" was...
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is an all-time classic: one of the first 3D gaming masterpieces whose influence can still be seen to this day, and certainly one of...
Gaider and the other writers came up with "three different designs of the DAI ending where OGB Kieran could cause a complete divergence: a new path, cutscenes, the whole nine yards",...
Speaking in a recent interview with nintendo lifeConcernedApe breaks down what his favorite games are and what he's been up to outside of his apparently eternal work in Stardew Valley. "I've...
the new Stardew Valley The Switch update brings fantastic news: the chicken-eating coyote that Eric 'ConcernedApe' Barone created last week is dead, pets can wear hats again, and the bomb accident...
Stardew Valley's latest update, released last night, accidentally introduces some new issues, including chickens mysteriously disappearing.
Update 1.6.9, released alongside...
Stardew Valley update 1.6.9 was released today for PC, consoles, and mobile, and Barone took to Twitter with a rather alarming warning for those who updated to the latest version: "PSA:...