palia is a cozy crafting game set in a beautiful fantasy world where humans have recently reemerged in a world reclaimed by friendly elves and helpful robots. During the time the...
We are less than 24 hours away from Infinity Nikki Release Timeas the long-awaited cozy open-world game is finally coming to PS5, PC, and mobile on December 5.You can read our...
We live in the midst of a lot of Middle-earth media. Last year's miserable Gollum game, the apparent Gollum duology of 2026, The rings of powerThe elven kings, War of the...
Tales of the Shire, the upcoming life simulator based on the Lord of the Rings universe, has been delayed until early 2025. It was originally scheduled for release this fall.No concrete...
The Witch's Bakery is a shop management RPG that takes inspiration from all the right places (or at least, all the places I'm excited about) and, unsurprisingly, it's already been a...