Jaipur. The All India LIC Games 202425 concluded on Friday at the Sawai Mansingh Stadium in Jaipur. The carrom competition attracted a lot of attention in this prestigious event. Rajasthan Carrom Association President Suraj Khatri graced his presence as the guest of honor and heartily congratulated V.D. Narayan who was recently elected as the General Secretary of the International Carrom Federation.
In the carrom competition, Babu from Delhi displayed his mastery and won the title in the men's category. Whereas, in the women's category, S. Apoorva proved her talent and won the victorious crown. This event emerged as a great example of sportsmanship, dedication and competition.
In his address, Suraj Khatri appreciated the enthusiasm of the youth towards sports and said that such events not only hone the skills of the players but also play an important role in promoting sports. LIC Games once again proved that sports is a symbol of unity and inspiration.
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Image Credit: KhasKhabar.