The world's first laptop with camera inside the display has been launched in CES i.e. Consumer Electronics Show 2025. Chinese brand Lenovo has introduced this Yoga series laptop with AI feature. Launched as Lenovo Yoga Slim 9i, a camera has been fitted inside the display of this laptop, which increases its screen-to-body ratio to 98 percent. Till now only smartphones were being launched with under-display cameras. Lenovo has surprised users around the world by launching it in the laptop segment.
Price of Lenovo Yoga Slim 9a
The price of Lenovo Yoga Slim 9i starts from $1849 i.e. approximately Rs 1.59 lakh. This laptop has currently been launched in the American market. It can be purchased from February. In this, only one color option can be purchased in Tidal Teal. The company has not confirmed its global launch yet. This laptop of Yoga series has a unique hidden camera as well as AI feature. Besides, it will also have a dedicated NPU i.e. Neural Processing Unit.
Specifications of Lenovo Yoga Slim 9i
This premium laptop has a 14 inch OLED display. This laptop supports 4K resolution. The company has used PureSight Pro display technology in it. The screen of this laptop supports 120Hz refresh rate feature. Also, it has a peak brightness feature of up to 750 nits.
A 32MP webcam has been fitted inside the display of this premium laptop of Lenovo. It works on Intel Core Ultra 7 258V processor. It has 32GB LPDDR5X dual channel RAM and 1TB SSD storage. Quad speaker setup will be available in this laptop, with which Dolby Atmos will be available. For connectivity, this laptop has two Thunderbolt 4 ports and Wi-Fi7. It has a 65W USB Type C charging feature with a 75Wh battery.
Lenovo has upgraded many more of its laptop series at CES 2025. These include Yoga Tab Plus, IdeaPad Pro 5i, Idea Tab Pro, Lenovo Tab, Yoga 7i 2-in-1, IdeaCentre Mini x and IdeaCentre Tower.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.