WhatsApp is testing another feature for its 295 crore users. This feature of WhatsApp is being brought for Android users. After the introduction of this new feature, users will get a new experience in sending stickers. WhatsApp added the sticker feature to the app about 4 years ago. Through this, users can experience their feelings in a better way. Notably, apart from the in-built stickers, users will also be able to send third party stickers to their loved ones in a new way.
Will be rolled out for Android users
According to the report by WABetaInfo, this feature has been seen in WhatsApp Beta version for Meta's instant messaging app. This feature is currently being developed for Android users. In this new feature, users will also get the option to create custom sticker packs. Users can now share an entire pack with their contacts instead of a single sticker. Users will now be able to share their favorite collection with their fans. In the new feature, apart from sharing the sticker pack, users will also have the option to delete it from the library.
After generating the sticker packs created in WhatsApp, you will be able to share the direct link. Those to whom this link will be sent will be able to download the complete pack with its help. Apart from this, users will also be able to share third party sticker packs with their loved ones. This new feature of WhatsApp has just been rolled out for some selected beta testers. This feature will be rolled out for all users in the coming time.
17 thousand WhatsApp accounts banned
Talking about other news related to WhatsApp, the government has recently taken major action on the incidents of digital arrest and blocked more than 17 thousand WhatsApp accounts. These accounts were being operated from foreign mobile numbers. Recently, many cases of digital arrest have come to light, for which the government has given instructions to alert people.
Image Credit: India-Tv.