Social media platforms like WhatsApp, Instagram, Telegram have once again been the first choice of cyber criminals. In the statistics of cyber crimes committed through social media platforms released by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), WhatsApp has once again been the most misused social media platform. This year, many cases of digital arrest have come to light, in which criminals have defrauded people of crores of rupees by making video calling through WhatsApp.
Most fraud through WhatsApp
According to the Home Ministry report, a total of 43,797 complaints of cyber fraud were registered in the first quarter of 2024, out of which the maximum of 22,680 complaints were of frauds done through WhatsApp. Apart from this, the number of crimes through Telegram was 19,800. According to the MHA Annual Report 2023-24, cyber criminals have used the platform of Google Services to initiate these crimes. According to the report, Google Advertisements Platform helps cyber criminals in making targeted advertisements.
investment scam
Especially most of the people around the world are targeted through investment scams. Apart from this, cyber crimes include money laundering scam, digital arrest etc. Apart from Google platforms, cyber criminals have used Facebook ads to commit cyber fraud in an organized manner. Cyber criminals worked to deliver fake landing apps to people's smartphones through Facebook.
I4C, the cyber security wing of the Home Ministry, is making every possible effort to stop the increasing cyber crimes in the country. Recently the government has blocked thousands of WhatsApp numbers. These WhatsApp accounts were created from international numbers and were being operated by cyber criminals. Incidents of digital arrest were being carried out against Indian users through WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging app not only in India but all over the world, which has more than 295 crore active users. This instant messaging app of Meta is quite popular in India also. The number of its daily active users is in crores, due to which it is the first choice for cyber criminals.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.