Samsung has once again left Apple far behind in terms of selling smartphones. Global smartphone sales have recorded a year-on-year growth of 4 percent in 2024. In the latest report of market research firm Counterpoint, Samsung has been on top in selling smartphones globally. At the same time, Apple and Xiaomi have been at second and third position respectively. The sale of iPhone 16 was not affected in the last quarter of the year and Samsung once again remained the global leader in smartphone sales.
4 percent growth
According to the market research firm, global smartphone sales have seen growth after two years. Last year in 2023, smartphone sales were the lowest in a decade. According to the report of Counterpoint, a rise in smartphone sales has also been seen in the last quarter of 2024. The market started showing growth from the last quarter of 2023, which has continued for 5 consecutive quarters. Growth has been seen in all the major markets of the world such as China, Europe and Latin America.
The magic of iPhone 16 did not work
The global market share of South Korean smartphone company Samsung was 19 percent and the company has once again achieved the top position. Samsung's Galaxy S24 series launched last year has made a big contribution in this. This was the company's first AI smartphone, which was very much liked by the users. At the same time, Apple's market share has been 18 percent. The American company did not get the benefit of the launch of iPhone 16. Apple's latest iPhone has received mixed response across the world.
Chinese company Xiaomi has been at number three in this matter. The company's market share has been 14 percent. However, the Chinese brand has been the biggest growth company compared to other OEMs. Apart from this, the global market share of Vivo and Oppo has been 8-8 percent. Even in 2023, the same five companies were included in the top-5 in the global smartphone market. No difference has been seen in this this year also.
Image Credit: India-Tv.