Most of the smartphone users around the world use WhatsApp for instant messaging. More than 3 billion people are using it today. To give new experience to its users, the company keeps bringing new features from time to time. In this series, a new feature has been rolled out for the users who post status on behalf of WhatsApp.
Status Like and Mentions came in WhatsApp
Let us tell you that WhatsApp takes great care of the safety and privacy of the users. The company has rolled out many safety features in the recent past. There are millions of users of WhatsApp who use status to share their activities and feelings. To provide convenience to such people, the company has come up with a new Status Like and Mentions feature.
Status Like and Mentions feature is going to be of great help to the users. Actually, whenever a status is posted in WhatsApp, it has a time limit of 24 hours. In such a situation, when you put a status for a person, many times it happens that the time limit of the status gets over, but that person is not able to see your status for whom you have put it.
After the arrival of the new status of WhatsApp, your tension is about to end, because now as soon as you put a status for someone special, people will immediately get information about it and they will see your status immediately.
You will get status notification
Let us tell you that WhatsApp has now brought a feature called Contact Mention for State. Now you will also get the option to mention people while posting status. Whoever you mention in your status will receive instant notification of your status. In this you will not have the option to tag people, you will be able to mention only the people included in your contact list.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.