Moto G05 Has been launched in the Indian market on Tuesday 7th January. This cheap phone from Motorola comes at a price of less than Rs 7,000. This smartphone brand of Chinese company Lenovo has presented a challenge to other companies by launching a phone with 5,200mAh battery and 50MP at a low price. Currently, brands like Infinix, itel, Redmi, Poco, Realme are offering budget smartphones in the price range of Rs 7,000. This Motorola phone was launched in the global market in December last year.
Moto G05 price
Moto G05 has been launched in a single storage variant 4GB RAM + 64GB. The phone can be purchased through e-commerce website Flipkart from 12 noon on January 13. This phone comes in two color options Forest Green and Plum Red. Jio users are being given a special offer on the purchase of this phone. Users purchasing this Motorola phone are being given cashback of Rs 2,000 and additional voucher benefits of up to Rs 3,000 with the prepaid plan of Rs 449.
Features of Moto G05
This budget smartphone from Motorola comes with a 6.67 inch HD + LCD display. The display of the phone supports 90Hz refresh rate and peak brightness feature of up to 1,000 nits. Also, it will have the protection of Corning Gorilla Glass 3.
Moto G05 has MediaTek Helio G81 Extreme processor. With this, support of 4GB LPDDR4X RAM and 64GB internal storage is available. The phone's storage can be expanded up to 1TB via microSD card. At the same time, the RAM of this phone can be virtually expanded up to 12GB.
This cheap phone from Motorola works on Android 15 operating system. The phone has a powerful battery of 5,200mAh and 18W USB Type C wired fast charging feature. For connectivity, it will have features like Bluetooth 5.4, FM radio, Wi-Fi, 3.5mm audio jack.
This smartphone has a 50MP main rear camera. It has an 8MP camera for selfie and video calling. Also, this phone comes with IP52 rating and supports Dolby Atmos.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.