TRAI has given another gift to 120 crore mobile users of the country on New Year. The telecom regulator has ordered telecom companies Airtel, Jio, Vodafone Idea and BSNL to publish network coverage maps on their websites. After this order of the telecom regulator, telecom companies will have to publish the geographical map related to their 2G/3G/4G/5G coverage, so that users can choose their telecom operator according to the coverage.
Will help in choosing operator
This order of TRAI will benefit the users who have taken MNP or new SIM card. At present only a few companies are publishing their network coverage map on the website. In such a situation, while getting a new SIM card or changing the operator, the users do not know which operator's network is good in the area where they live or work.
part of quality of service
This order of the telecom regulator is a main part of the guidelines to improve the Quality of Service (QoS). Through the network coverage map, users will be able to get information about the current service of the telecom operator. The telecom regulator said that mobile network coverage is important for quality of service. No user can expect better quality of service in non-coverage areas. The websites of telecom operators will help users do this.
TRAI has asked telecom operators to publish detailed maps of service-wise 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G network coverage on their Website. Additionally, users can also know in which area wireless voice or wireless broadband service is available. Apart from this, telecom operators have also been asked to make the network coverage map available in their mobile apps.
April 1st deadline
The telecom regulator has given a deadline of April 1, 2025 to the telecom companies for this. Before this, telecom companies have been advised to keep their quality of service at 99 percent or above. Telecom companies will have to display their network coverage map with their logo and place it on the homepage of the website, so that users do not face difficulty in navigating it. Telecom companies will have to continuously update the network coverage area so that users get network related information in real time.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.