WhatsApp is testing another new feature for its millions of users. After the introduction of this feature of WhatsApp, users will be able to easily join WhatsApp channels. This feature of WhatsApp is currently being tested in beta version. After testing, it can be rolled out soon for both Android and iOS users. Apart from this, WhatsApp is also preparing to bring many more new features.
This feature of WhatsApp is being brought specifically to expand channels. After the introduction of this feature, users will be able to add more and more users to their channel. At present, to join any WhatsApp channel, one has to first search for it from the channel list. Only after this the users are able to connect with that channel. According to the report of WABetaInfo, this feature of WhatsApp is being tested for both Android and iOS smartphones. It has been released for some limited beta testers.
this is how it will work
The QR code of WhatsApp channel will be in image format, which can be scanned with the phone's camera. Also, users will be able to share it with their friends, relatives etc. As soon as this QR code is scanned. This will redirect the user to the WhatsApp channel. Along with the redirection, users will get the option to join the WhatsApp channel.
To generate QR code for WhatsApp channel, after going to the channel, you have to tap on the three dots given above. From this, the option to display and generate QR code will appear. QR code of your channel can be generated by tapping on the generate option. You can share this with anyone. WhatsApp is testing this feature keeping business users in mind, so that it can connect with more and more customers through the channel.
Image Credit: India-Tv.