After TRAI recommended launching cheap no-data plans for 2G users last month, telecom companies have started launching new plans. Jio has earlier launched two voice only plans of Rs 458 and Rs 1958, in which users get validity of up to 365 days. After Jio, now the country's second largest telecom company Airtel has also launched voice only plans. These recharge plans of Airtel are especially for those users who only make calls and do not use data.
Airtel's Rs 499 plan
This plan of Airtel comes with a validity of 84 days. In this plan, users will get the benefit of unlimited voice calling and free national roaming to call any number across India. Airtel is also giving the benefit of 900 free SMS to the users in this plan. No data is being offered to the users in this prepaid plan. This will especially benefit 2G feature phone users. They will get the benefit of unlimited calling for just Rs 165 per month.
airtel voice only plan
Airtel's Rs 1959 plan
Like Jio, Airtel has also introduced annual voice only plan for its users. In this plan of Airtel, users get validity of full 365 days. In this, users will get the benefit of unlimited calling and free national roaming. Apart from this, users will also get the benefit of total 3600 free SMS.
remove the plan
Apart from this, Airtel has removed its two cheap recharge plans of Rs 509 and Rs 1999 from its website. In Airtel's Rs 509 plan, users were offered 6GB data with unlimited calling. This plan comes with a validity of 84 days. At the same time, in the plan of Rs 1,999, 24GB data was offered with unlimited calling. This plan came with a validity of 365 days.
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Image Credit: India-Tv.