Nowadays people use everything after seeing the expiry date. In cities, these things are packed and delivered to you. In such a situation, an expiry date of everything is also written on the packet. But do you know that there are many food items which never spoil. In the times of grandmothers or even today, when things are found in the open in the village, they have no expiry. On the contrary, grandmothers say that some things are old and more beneficial. Yes, there are many food items which become beneficial instead of getting spoiled when they become old. Let us know about 5 such things which never spoil.
These 5 things kept in the kitchen never go bad
Ghee- Desi ghee is definitely used in everyone's house. Ghee is something that does not spoil for years. Earlier people used to buy and store ghee for the whole year at one go. If you feel that the taste or smell of ghee is changing, heat it once again and filter it. In this way ghee can be used for a long time. You do not need to worry too much about the expiry of ghee.
Honey- It is said that the older honey becomes, the more beneficial it becomes. That's why honey never expires. You can eat honey stored for any number of days. You can easily use honey that has been stored for a long time. Even though the expiry date is written on the packet, pure honey is not considered bad. You can use it anytime.
vinegar- If you have old vinegar, do not make the mistake of throwing it away considering it bad. Vinegar does not spoil no matter how old it becomes. You can use it for years. You can use vinegar for making pickles or in food items. If you want, keep the vinegar in the refrigerator.
pickle- Like vinegar, pickle also never spoils. If pickle is kept well then it does not spoil for years. If anything seems bad in the pickle, heat it, add mustard oil and keep the pickle in the sun for a few days. Due to this the pickle will not spoil for years.
Salt- Spices sometimes get spoiled but salt is such that it never gets spoiled. Even though the expiry date is written on the salt package, you can use it even if it has been stored for years. If there is no dampness in the salt, you can use it for any number of days.
Image Credit: India-Tv.