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HomeLifestyleThere are stubborn water marks on the bathroom tap, with this simple trick it will shine like new - Top News Bulletin

There are stubborn water marks on the bathroom tap, with this simple trick it will shine like new – Top News Bulletin

The cleanliness of the house can be judged by looking at your bathroom. Some people keep the bathroom clean but the taps and handles of the bathroom get spoiled due to water marks. When the water dries, a yellow layer gets deposited on it. Many times these taps and handles get rusted. No matter how many stainless steel taps you get, if they are not cleaned from time to time, then they start becoming black and ugly. The marks left by water gradually start rusting. In such a situation, today we are telling you easy tips to clean the taps and handles of the bathroom. Know how you can make the bathroom tap shine like new.

How to get rid of water stains on bathroom faucets

Use lime- If there are rust marks on the taps in the bathroom along with water, then use lime for this. Make a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of salt and some water in about 1 cup of lime. Apply it on the taps and rusted handles and leave it for 10 minutes. Now add some vinegar to it and clean it with a scrubber after 5 minutes. The taps will shine like new.

Brighten with lemon Lemon is very useful for cleaning. Acidic elements are found in lemon which can clean rust and dirt. Lemon can also be used to remove water marks. For this, rub lemon on the place where there is rust or water mark. If you want, you can make a solution by mixing lemon and salt in hot water. Apply it with the help of a brush and then clean it by rubbing with a scrubber.

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Clean the taps with vinegar If a layer of water has dried on the tap and handle, then use vinegar to clean it. Vinegar is effective in cleaning rusted taps. All the dirt on the tap will be cleaned in minutes with this. The dirty tap of the bathroom will shine immediately. If you want, you can also use vinegar by mixing salt in it.

Image Credit: India-Tv.

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