There are many benefits of fenugreek for hair. It is considered a very effective thing in Ayurveda. You may be surprised to know that its consumption helps in hair growth. Fenugreek contains fiber, protein, carbs, fat, iron and magnesium which work in many ways for hair. Consumption of fenugreek can be very beneficial for falling hair. Actually, iron deficiency in the body also causes your hair to fall rapidly. In such a situation, consumption of fenugreek increases the amount of iron and reduces hair fall. Let us know how fenugreek is used for hair?
Use fenugreek like this for healthy hair:
Fenugreek Water: Fenugreek Water for Hair Fenugreek seeds help stimulate blood flow to the scalp and also nourish the hair follicles to promote faster and healthy new growth. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve dandruff, scalp irritation and acne.
Fenugreek Serum: You can make and use fenugreek hair serum for hair. Its application can help in hair growth. This serum will not only make your hair silky but will also help in keeping it healthy from inside.
fenugreek oilMany people ask this question: How to make fenugreek oil for hair, because it is a panacea for thickening hair. For this, take mustard or coconut oil and cook fenugreek in it. Then apply this oil on the roots of the hair. Its bioactive enzymes will help in increasing hair growth.
Fenugreek Hair Mask: Grind fenugreek and mix aloe vera in it. Then apply it to your hair. This will be helpful in making your hair healthy from inside. Besides this, the texture of the hair also remains correct.
Image Credit: India-Tv.