A large number of people around the world are crazy about coffee. The craze for coffee is such that people try new flavors. Want to taste one of the more expensive coffees? But do you know that the world's most expensive coffee is prepared from cat poop. Yes, this coffee is called Kopi Luwak. This coffee is also prepared in many Asian countries including India. Know why people drink this coffee with great fondness?
Cat poops after eating coffee beans
Actually there is a species of cat known as Civet Cat. This civet cat is fond of eating the best coffee beans. This cat eats the coffee cherry semi-raw and digests its pulp and removes the seeds. Civet cats are unable to digest these coffee beans completely and undigested portions of coffee come out in the potty.
This is how coffee is made from cat poop
Coffee is prepared by purifying cat poop. It is processed several times to make it germ free. The beans are washed and roasted. Then the world's most expensive coffee is prepared from it. Now the question might be coming in your mind that what is the need to take this coffee from cat's litter. It can be used like this also. But it is said that when these coffee seeds pass through the intestines of the cat's body, many types of digestive enzymes are added to it, due to which its nutritional value increases manifold.
Why is civet coffee liked?
It is said that civet coffee proves to be very beneficial. From America to Gulf countries and Europe, people drink this coffee with great fondness. This coffee is drunk by very rich people all over the world. One cup of this coffee is sold in America for about Rs 6 thousand. The price of 1 kg coffee is 25-30 thousand rupees.
Coffee prepared from cat poop is produced in India
Image Credit: India-Tv.