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HomeLifestyleThe dust and dirt accumulated in the ceiling fan will be cleaned, try these methods without the hassle of stairs - Top News Bulletin

The dust and dirt accumulated in the ceiling fan will be cleaned, try these methods without the hassle of stairs – Top News Bulletin

Due to the accumulation of dust and dirt in the ceiling fan, the look of your entire room gets spoiled. If you also face a lot of difficulties in cleaning the dirt of the ceiling fan, then you should definitely try some hacks. By following such tips, you will not even need to use a ladder to clean the fan. Let us know about some such very easy methods.

The hanger will prove to be helpful

Do you know that a clothes hanger can prove to be helpful in cleaning a fan? First of all, tie an old cloth on a hanger. Now tie a piece of wood underneath it so that you can finish the cleaning work quickly.

You can use cleaning duster

You can use a cleaning duster to clean the dust accumulated in the fan from time to time. Cleaning dusters are easily available in the market and you will not have to spend much money to buy them. Dip the ceiling fan duster in liquid soap, squeeze it and then easily clean all the dust from the fan.

can use vacuum cleaner

If you want, you can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean a dirty fan. Attach a brush to the vacuum cleaner and carefully move it over the fan blades. In this way, even the dirtiest fan will start shining within a few minutes. A vacuum cleaner can make the task of cleaning a fan much easier.

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Image Credit: India-Tv.

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