You should definitely try making this recipe with the leftover rice from the night before. The taste of this spicy fried rice recipe will be liked not only by children but also by adults. For your information, let us tell you that neither you will need much ingredients nor will it take much time to make fried rice. Let us know how to make it.
First step- First of all, heat the pan on medium flame and add two tablespoons of oil in it. Fry one finely chopped onion, two finely chopped garlic cloves and half inch grated ginger in hot oil until they turn golden.
Second step- Now add half cup finely chopped carrots, half cup peas, one-fourth cup finely chopped capsicum and one-fourth cup finely chopped green beans in the pan and fry them until they become soft.
Third step- After this, add two cups of remaining rice in the pan, mix everything and fry.
Fifth step- Finally, to enhance the taste of fried rice, you can also add finely chopped green coriander to it.
Image Credit: India-Tv.