Saturday, September 28, 2024
HomeLifestyleIf you want to get long and thick hair, then definitely follow these tips in your hair care routine - Top News Bulletin

If you want to get long and thick hair, then definitely follow these tips in your hair care routine – Top News Bulletin

To make hair long and thick, you do not need to spend money on expensive hair products. If your hair is not growing, your hair may be lacking in nutrition. To overcome nutritional deficiency, you must follow some tips. By following some basic tips regularly, you can improve the health of your hair to a great extent. Let us know about some such tips.

  • It is necessary to apply oil- You must apply oil at least one to two hours before shampooing. Massaging with oil can remove the nutritional deficiency of your hair. To get better results, you can also apply oil a night before hair wash.

  • Use mild shampoo- You should include mild shampoo in your hair care routine. Your shampoo and conditioner should contain minimal chemicals. Wash hair with shampoo twice a week.

  • Keep trimming- To increase hair growth, it is very important to get hair trimmed from time to time. Also comb your hair at least twice every day. Apart from this, you should also try to protect your hair from sunlight.

  • Healthy diet plan- Your diet plan can also have a good or bad effect on your hair. To make hair long and thick, you should include carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, proteins, fats and mineral rich foods in your diet.

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Follow such tips regularly and see positive effects automatically within just a few weeks. Believe me, by following these tips you can make your hair long, thick, strong and healthy.

Image Credit: India-Tv.

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